Sleeve Gastrectomy in Marrero, LA

Surgery: Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy – ABC News

The Sleeve Gastrectomy is now the most commonly performed weight-loss operation in the United States. It has outstanding results and fewer complications than any other surgical procedure. The operation is performed using the laparoscopic technique, requiring several small incisions, from 1/4 inch to an inch in length. Patients stay in the hospital over night, and the vast majority go home on the day following surgery. Weight loss is rapid and steady, often reaching your target weight within 8 to 12 months.

What Our Patients Are Saying!

“In 2015, my husband and I made the life changing decision to have the gastric sleeve done. I struggled with severe obesity for a very long time. Having the sleeve has allowed us both to gain control of our happiness and overall health. Before the sleeve, my husband suffered with many different health issues. He now no longer needs medication and feels amazing. The sleeve has given us the opportunity to live a happier, healthier life. We are both very pleased with our decision to have the sleeve and live this life long journey together.” -Heidi & Roddy

See more patient testimonials by clicking here.

Have Questions? Contact The Surgical Clinic Of Louisiana

If you have any questions about Sleeve Gastrectomy, surgical weight loss or any questions at all, feel free to give us a call at 504-349-6860 or fill out the contact form here.  We will be more than happy to assist you!

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